What We Fund
The B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation welcomes applications that seek financial support in the following categories listed below.
Arts We welcome grant applications that expand existing arts programs and facilities. We also support the introduction of new arts-related experiences that people of all economic backgrounds can enjoy.
Education We support new and innovative ways to make education interesting and exciting. Special consideration is given to programs that can serve as models for other area school districts. Projects that promote greater understanding of our area’s diverse cultural and historic development are also encouraged.
Health Our foundation is committed to enhancing health care initiatives in North Central Wisconsin. Considerations are given to programs, facilities and education in the health care field.
Economic We support projects that promote economic development and that stimulate interest in careers and job skills that will keep our area competitive. We encourage appreciation and respect for our area’s natural resources by supporting projects that provide educational and economic benefits to the community.
Social Development We encourage grant applications for programs that guide and inspire people of all ages to become productive, engaged citizens with strong character and respect for family life in Central Wisconsin. We also support projects that improve community safety and the overall well being of area residents. The foundation welcomes proposals to fund projects that improve life for those with physical and mental challenges.
We do not support political projects, religious promotion or endowments.